Changing WordPress Site Title Color in OceanWp

If you are not using a logo on your Wordpress theme and just have text for the site title or sitename, here is where you can change the site name color in the OceanWP theme. In the OceanWp Customizer (Wordpress's Appearance/Customize) go to Header/Logo section and scroll down to the Color setting and use the color picker or type in your hex value. This will change the text color in the header.

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Changing Background Color Of Any WordPress Page 2022

Themes may have their own settings but here's a way to change the background color of any page in the Customizer. Just add the following code in Additional CSS. Where the post number is the home page id. You can find that by hovering over the home page link in Wordpress' Pages listing. /* home page background color */ .post-9 {background-color:#FF7D0B !important;}

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My Jetpack Settings

Jetpack Features I setup in Jetpack -xml sitemaps (Traffic) -show related content after posts (Traffic) -show Related header (Traffic) -show Related with large thumbnails (Traffic) -testimonials (Writing) use shortcode [testimonials] in Wordpress go to Settings/Writing -portfolio (Writing) use shortcode [portfolio] Adding a Featured Image and Custom Excerpt to each project is highly recommended, as it lets themes and the portfolio shortcode display your projects in a more visual manner. -supports Markdown (Writing) -Display images and galleries in full screen browsing (Writing) -check spelling, style, grammar (Writing) -speed up site images (Writing) -lazy load images (Writing) -publish posts by email, turn off (Writing) -Add Like button to posts (Sharing) -Add sharing buttons to posts (Sharing) -Let readers use, Twitter, Facebook or Google+ to comment -Monitor site downtime (Security) -Brute force protection (Security)

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Adding A Background Color and Dropshadow To Astra Theme Header

Astra is the new kid on the block of lightweight, easily customizable Wordpress themes along with OceanWP and the one that started this trend Generatepress. All the free version of these themes are already quite powerful out of the box but the pro versions offer a lot more customizability. I would say OceanWP's free version right now has the most features out of the box. This site actually runs on Astra. I chose it more for it's future abilities and it's claim to be the fastest Wordpress theme. I wanted custom background color and a thin dropshadow under the header and found there was no setting in the customizer to do that. Instead you will need to go into Appearance/Customize/Additional CSS In there just add this piece of code. .main-header-bar { background: #f4c842;box-shadow: 0px 3px 3px #b8b8b8; } The CSS box shadow property sequence is horizontal shadow size, vertical shadow size, the blur spread size and shadow color.  

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