My Jetpack Settings

Jetpack Features I setup in Jetpack -xml sitemaps (Traffic) -show related content after posts (Traffic) -show Related header (Traffic) -show Related with large thumbnails (Traffic) -testimonials (Writing) use shortcode [testimonials] in Wordpress go to Settings/Writing -portfolio (Writing) use shortcode [portfolio] Adding a Featured Image and Custom Excerpt to each project is highly recommended, as it lets themes and the portfolio shortcode display your projects in a more visual manner. -supports Markdown (Writing) -Display images and galleries in full screen browsing (Writing) -check spelling, style, grammar (Writing) -speed up site images (Writing) -lazy load images (Writing) -publish posts by email, turn off (Writing) -Add Like button to posts (Sharing) -Add sharing buttons to posts (Sharing) -Let readers use, Twitter, Facebook or Google+ to comment -Monitor site downtime (Security) -Brute force protection (Security)

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How To Add Google Analytics or Google Tag Manager In Your OceanWP Site

While there are numerous Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager plugins for Wordpress, there is a simple way to add the Google analytics or tag manager code right within OceanWP with Ocean Hooks. This example is for Google Tag Manager but Analytics first code segment goes in WP Head and because the segment should be at the top of <body> Before Top Bar is where the second code piece goes. You can use the same method for other themes that support hooks like Genesis, Astra, Generatepress and others.

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Getting Rid of the Credits Link in OceanWP

On some of the OceanWP demo themes, even the pro ones there may be dead links to spammy sites. To get rid of the credits link... Go to Wordpress' Appearance > Menus and look for Footer Menu. Delete the credits link or add your own links. If you do not want to display the menu at all  you can uncheck Footer in Menu Settings/Display Location. Alternatively, in the OceanWP Customizer/Menu just turn off Footer checkbox. PS. If you are trying to center the footer copyright across the whole width of the page, displaying the footer menu will not allow you to do that. To center the copyright menu switch off the footer menu.

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Shopping For Consumer 360 Camera, Notes For A Friend

Top 3 Consumer 360 Camera Recommendations For A Friend Ricoh Theta V :in camera stitching, best auto HDR, straightforward usage without desktop software. Best "out of camera" photos and videos. Mi Sphere 360 :lowest price with decent overall features, will need some desktop editing for best results Insta 360 One X : best stabilization and best desktop and phone software; highest video resolution Best standalone desktop software: Affinity Photo For getting rid of nadir and colour correction with preview.  Photoshop has plugins that can also do the same. Photodirector is less full powered but can also edit nadir and make color correction. Best 360 standalone video editor. Other software like Premiere will require plugins. Powerdirector. Photodirector and Powerdirector can be purchased as a bundle for about $90 on sale. Useful Hardware Accessories Best cold shoe adapter with a click lock. I find these very secure and extremely useful. I put cold shoes on flashes, small LED lights, small umbrella stands, action cameras, microphones and they snap right onto this cold shoe. You will need to screw these 1/4 inch cold shoes onto your flashes etc. in order to use the cold shoe adapter. Give your 360 camera an easy to…

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Centering An OceanWP Footer Widget Examples

CENTERING OCEANWP FOOTER WIDGETS Icons may not align. Centering Social Icons #footer { text-align: center; } #footer .owp-social-share li { float: none; display: inline-block; } #footer-widgets .footer-box .widget-title { border: 0; padding: 0; } Centering Contact Info Widget #footer { text-align: center; } #footer .widget-oceanwp-contact-info li { float: none; display: inline-block; } #footer-widgets .footer-box .widget-title { border: 0; padding: 0; } Change border color of contact icons. #footer-widgets .contact-info-widget i {border-color:#000}

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